导读:1建站知识这篇论坛文章着重介绍了Access数据库出现0x80004005问题的解决方法,更多内容请参考下文: 项目做了三个月了,终于也差不多完成了,昨天交去测试,结果出网站建设多少钱网站seo优化。
[OleDbException (0x80004005): Unspecified error]
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr) +20
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider() +57
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() +203
Webb.WAVE.Controls.OleDBManager.FillDataTable(DataTable i_dataTable) +85
Webb.WAVE.Controls.WaveExpire.LoadExpireDateForClient(DataTable i_table, Int64 i_clientID) +189
Webb.WAVE.inc_Client_AccessManage.LoadExpireDate(String i_sortKey) +99
Webb.WAVE.inc_Client_AccessManage.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +85
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +98
System.Web.UI.Contro网站建设l.LoadRecursive() +98
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +750
When trying to connect to an Access .mdb file, an ODBC error is returned stating "Disk or Network Error". The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for the Microsoft Jet database engine may also return an "Unspecified error" (error code = 0x80004005) message.
The problem can occur only when the data source is opened under the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or a Microsoft Windows NT service but not under a logged-on user account.CAUSE
Jet creates a temporary file when the高端网站建设 engine is started. In doing so, it first checks the TMP environment variable and uses that path to define where the temporary file is created. If it doesn't see a TMP environment variable, it looks for the TEMP environment variable. If TEMP is not defined, it then uses the Windows folder (\WINDOWS or \WINNT).
If TMP/TEMP is defined but points to a nonexistent folder, the error occurs.
Moreover, when opening the Access database through IIS or a Windows NT service, and when IIS or the service is running under the local system account, the TMP or TEMP system environment variable is used. When the Web services or Windows NT service are started using a user account, the TMP/TEMP user profile environment variables is used.RESOLUTION
声明: 本文由我的SEOUC技术文章主页发布于:2023-05-24 ,文章解决Access出现的0x80004005问题建站知识主要讲述标签,标题,解决Access出现的0x80004005问题建网站建设源码以及服务器配置搭建相关技术文章。转载请保留链接: https://www.seouc.com/article/web_6686.html