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Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法建站知识

时间:2023-05-23 23:05:23 阅读: 文章分类: 网站建设 作者: 建站小能手

导读:1建站知识Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法,需要的朋友可以参考一下建设网站公司seo网站排名优化软件。









复制代码 代码如下:

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE CHEN_TEST_PACKGE IStype cursor_type is ref cursor;

/************************************************************************************/ /* 功能说明:查询某种公告报表 */ /* 参数说明: */ /* i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2 某种公告ID */ /* o_cursor OUT cursor_type 返回游标 */ /* */ /* 创建日期 姓名 */ /* 2013-03-08 路人甲 */ /************************************************************************************/

PROCEDURE p_list_bulletin_report( i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2, o_cursor OUT cursor_type);



复制代码 代码如下:


/************************************************************************************/ /* 功能说明:查询某种公告报表 */ /* 参数说明: */ /* i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2 某种公告ID */ /* o_cursor OUT bulletin_report_type 返回游标 */ /* */ /* 创建日期 姓名 */ /* 2013-03-08 路人甲 */ /************************************************************************************/

PROCEDURE p_list_bulletin_report( i_id_capital_dynamic_manage IN VARCHAR2, o_cursor OUT bulletin_report_type)AS set_id_bulletin_report_temp VARCHAR2(50); -- 定义临时变量BEGIN begin --给临时变量赋值 --select to_char(sysdate,'yyyymmddhh24missSSS') into set_id_bulletin_report_temp from dual; select i_id_capital_dynamic_manage into set_id_bulletin_report_temp from dual; --获取数据插入临时表 insert into scms_bulletin_report_temp ( id_bulletin_report_temp, biz_Name , t01网站seo优化软件 , t07 , t14 , t21 , t1M , t2M , t3M , t4M , t5M , t6M , t1Y , t2Y , tCount , sort_no ) select c.*, rownum as sort_no from( select set_id_bulletin_report_temp as id_bulletin_report_temp, scms_common_packge.get_biz_name(b.biz_id) as biz_Name, max(case when b.term_type='T01' then b.c else 0 end) as T01, max(case when b.term_type='T07' then b.c else 0 end) as T07, max(case when b.term_type='T14' then b.c else 0 end) as T14, max(case when b.term_type='T21' then b.c else 0 end) as T21, max(case when b.term_type='T1M' then b.c else 0 end) as T1M, max(case when b.term_type='T2M' then b.c else 0 end) as T2M, max(case when b.term_type='T3M' then b.c else 0 end) as T3M, max(case when b.term_type='T4M' then b.c else 0 end) as T4M, max(case when b.term_type='T5M' then b.c else 0 end) as T5M, max(case when b.term_type='T6M' then b.c else 0 end) as T6M, max(case when b.term_type='T1Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T1Y, max(case when b.term_type='T2Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T2Y, sum(b.c) as BIZ_ID_COUNT from ( select a.term_type,a.biz_id, sum(a.capital_claim) c from (select report.capital_claim, report.biz_id, detail.term_type from scms_capital_claim_report report, scms_capital_assign_detail detail, scms_capital_dynamic_manage manager where manager.id_capital_dynamic_manage = detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage and report.id_capital_assign_detail = detail.id_capital_assign_detail and detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage = i_id_capital_dynamic_manage and manager.IS_SETTLEMENT = '1' and manager.IS_CONFIRM = '1' ) a group by a.term_type, a.biz_id ) b group by b.biz_id ) c; -- 插入总记录数 insert into scms_bulletin_report_temp ( id_bulletin_report_temp, biz_Name , t01 , t07 , t14 , t21 , t1M , t2M , t3M , t4M , t5M , t6M , t1Y , t2Y , tCount , sort_no ) select c.*, (select max(sort_no)+1 from scms_bulletin_report_temp te where te.id_bulletin_report_temp = set_id_bulletin_report_temp ) as sort_no from( select set_id_bulletin_report_temp as id_bulletin_report_temp, '总计(天数)' as biz_Name, max(case when b.term_type='T01' then b.c else 0 end) as T01, max(case when b.term_type='T07' then b.c else 0 end) as T07, max(case when b.term_type='T14' then b.c else 0 end) as T14, max(case when b.term_type='T21' then b.c else 0 end) as T21, max(case when b.term_type='T1M' then b.c else 0 end) as T1M, max(case when b.term_type='T2M' then b.c else 0 end) as T2M, max(case when b.term_type='T3M' then b.c else 0 end) as T3M, max(case when b.term_type='T4M' then b.c else 0 end) as T4M, max(case when b.term_type='T5M' then b.c else 0 end) as T5M, max(case when b.term_type='T6M' then b.c else 0 end) as T6M, max(case when b.term_type='T1Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T1Y, max(case when b.term_type='T2Y' then b.c else 0 end) as T2Y, sum(b.c) as BIZ_ID_COUNT from ( select a.term_type,'biz_id_count' as biz_id, sum(a.capital_claim) c from (select report.capital_claim, report.biz_id, detail.term_type from scms_capital_claim_report report, scms_capital_assign_detail detail, scms_capital_dynamic_manage manager where manager.id_capital_dynamic_manage = detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage and report.id_capital_assign_detail = detail.id_capital_assign_detail and detail.id_capital_dynamic_manage = i_id_capital_dynamic_manage and manager.IS_SETTLEMENT = '1' and manager.IS_CONFIRM = '1' ) a group by a.term_type ) b group by b.biz_id ) c; -- 查询刚刚插入的表记录 open o_cursor for select id_bulletin_report_temp as idBulletinReportTemp, biz_Name as bizName , t01 as t01 , t07 as t07 , t14 as t14 , t21 as t21 , t1M as t1M , t2M as t2M , 网站seo优化培训t3M as t3M , t4M as t4M , t5M as t5M , t6M as t6M , t1Y as t1Y , t2Y as t2Y , tCount as tCount, sort_no as sortNo from scms_bulletin_report_temp temp where temp.id_bulletin_report_temp = set_id_bulletin_report_temp order by sortNo asc; -- 删除:根据ID删除刚刚插入的记录 delete from scms_bulletin_report_temp temp where temp.id_bulletin_report_temp = set_id_bulletin_report_temp; commit; end;END p_list_bulletin_report; END CHEN_TEST_PACKGE;/

关键词标签: 横向 报表

声明: 本文由我的SEOUC技术文章主页发布于:2023-05-23 ,文章Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法建站知识主要讲述横向,报表,Oracle 查询存储过程做横向报表的方法网站建设源码以及服务器配置搭建相关技术文章。转载请保留链接: https://www.seouc.com/article/web_6161.html

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