复制代码 代码如下:
CREATE proc [dbo].[delAllRecord]asdeclare @tableName nvarchar(255)declare @Sql nvarchar(255)
Declare curTable Cursor for select Table_Name from information_schema.tables where TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'Open curTableFetch Next From cu营销型网站建设rTable Into @tableName
WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN set @Sql = N'delete from '+@tableName exec sp_executesql @sql Fetch Next From curTable Into @tableName endCLOSE curTableDEALLOCATE curTable
复制代码 代码如下:
--declare test_cursor cursor scroll for
--select id,table_name from dbo.section_type
--open test_cursor
--declare @id int
--declare @table_name nvarchar(50)
--while @@fetch_status=0
--fetch next from test_cursor into @id,@table_name
--print @id
--print @table_name
--close test_cursor
--deallocate test_cursor
delete from projectrangtree where deleteversion>0
delete from projectrangtree where type=3 and parentid not in(select id from projectrangtree where type=2)
delete from projectrangtree where type=4 and parentid not in(select id from projectrangtree where type=3)
delete from projectrangtree where type=5 and parentid not in(select id from projectrangtree where type=4)
delete from section_settings where parent_prj_tree_id not in(select id from projectrangtree)
declare @table_name varchar(50)
declare @sql nvarchar(500)--此处要注意,声明的长度一定要够
--declare @measuring_point_id nvarchar(500)
declare del_cursor cursor scroll for
select table_name froseo网站排名优化软件m section_type
open del_cursor
fetch next from del_cursor into @table_name
--print @table_name
while (@@fetch_status=0)
--print quotename(@table_name网站seo优化课程)
--set @measuring_point_id='select measuring_point_id from '+quotename(@table_name)
--exec sp_executesql @measuring_point_id
set @sql = 'delete from '+ quotename(@table_name) +' where measuring_point_id not in(select id from measuring_point_setting)'
exec sp_executesql @sql
--delete from @table_name where measuring_point_id not in (select id from measuring_point_setting)
fetch next from del_cursor into @table_name
close del_cursor
deallocate del_cursor
--delete from (select talbe_name from section_type) where measuring_point_id not in (select id from measuring_point_setting)
相关网站seo优化培训网站建设教程。声明: 本文由我的SEOUC技术文章主页发布于:2023-05-23 ,文章游标删除多个表里脏数据的方法建站知识主要讲述多个,游标,游标删除多个表里脏数据的方法建站知网站建设源码以及服务器配置搭建相关技术文章。转载请保留链接: https://www.seouc.com/article/web_5997.html